Welcome to Legal Stay!

My name is Barbara Nowacka and I am an immigration lawyer. Since 2008 I have been helping foreigners to legalize their stay and work in Poland, even if they don’t speak Polish and if they have never approached the Polish government agencies before. I handle the legal cases before the Pomeranian Voivode.

I highly appreciate direct contact with my clients- trust and honesty are the cornerstones of my work. I personally take care of every customer and personally manage every case, in order to reach the desirable outcome in the shortest possible time.

I graduated from a law school at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and Europa Universität Viadrina in Frankfurt-an-der-Oder. Thanks to that, I easily navigate through the Polish laws. During my work in Pomeranian Voivode Office, I gained rich practice and expert knowledge about the Polish administrative procedure and the Polish Law on Foreigners.

I brought together my knowledge, extensive experience and inclination to help, to create Legal Stay – Foreigners’ Office, providing support to non-Polish citizens to live and work in Poland legally.

My Services

What I do

legalization of stay in Poland (residence cards for non-EU citizens: temporary, permanent and long-term EU residence permit; temporary and permanent residence permit for EU citizens)
legalization of work in Poland (long and short term work permits)
Polish citizenship (granting Polish citizenship, recognition as a Polish citizen)

How it is done

full processing of administrative cases
consultations concerning legalization of stay and work in Poland
permanent service for companies in all aspects related to foreigners
I lead all the cases from the beginning to the end, so you can be relieved and wait for the positive outcome.

Online help

I work in Gdańsk and online. If you live outside of the Tri-City and need my help, we can consult by e-mail, Skype or phone. Should you be interested, please first use the contact form

Skontaktuj się ze mną / Contact me:


E-mail: legalstay@legalstay.pl

Telefon / Phone: 0048 511 353 948

Godziny pracy / Office hours:

Poniedziałek – Piątek 9.00 - 16.00 / Monday - Friday 9.00 AM - 4.00 PM

Numer konta / Bank account number:

PL 37 1910 1048 2622 8345 7173 0001


Nazwa odbiorcy / Recipient:
Legal Stay- Biuro Obsługi Cudzoziemców

NIP: 669-233-16-72

REGON: 221547233


Lubomira, 05.2024

Bardzo jestem zadowolona i wdzięczna Pani Barbarze. Jest profesjonalna, miła i wspierała mnie przez cały czas i proces.

Amy, 10.2023

I highly recommend Ms Barbara Nowacka's services. Her advice on my work and residency permit applications has been robust, accurate and tailored to my circumstances. She always responds quickly and thoroughly. She has been ready and willing to help. We were successful with my applications, and I thank her very much for this.

Vadim, 07.2023

Have to say my huge appreciation and satisfaction after dealing and using services of Legalstay company. We went true whole the process of applying for a temporary residence permit (Karta pobytu) processing the case and receiving positive decision from government and getting the documents ready. The work was done in a very professional way and the service it totally priceless for a busy working person like me. Legalstay helped on every step of this bureaucratic process and kindly explained all the difficulties and solved all the problems.

So yes, if you do not want to waste your precious time and get stuck in bureaucracy, quays and misunderstanding with clerks – Legalstay is a great solution for this problem! It worth all money spend and much more.

Thomas, 07.2023

"I highly recommend Barbara Nowacka's services. I urgently needed to replace a Karta Pobytu which had been damaged. She was able to identify for me and quickly prepare all the forms and documentation required by the foreigners bureau, and set an appointment to meet with an official there within a couple of weeks. She then tracked the status of my card and, again, when it was ready, obtain an appointment for me to pick it up almost immediately. I am extremely satisfied with Barbara's professionalism and will certainly consult with her on any immigration issues I may have in the future."

Ilya, 05.2023

Witam, jesteśmy bardzo zadowoleni z Legal Stay, szczególne podziękowania dla Barbary Nowackiej za skuteczność, dokładność, terminowość.
Złożenie dokumentów zajęło nie więcej niż 1 godzinę, a odbiór dokumentów nawet nie trwał dłużej niż pół godziny, ponieważ wszystko zostało wcześniej przygotowane przez Barbarę. Jesteśmy zadowoleni, skontaktujemy się ponownie gdy przyjdzie czas na przedłużenie dokumentów.

Andrew, 10.2022

Miss Nowacka has been indispensable to me. When I was scared of the "American loophole" expiring, she was there for me (and everyone in the Warsaw expat FB group, too);
when COVID meant I couldn't leave and I was scared I was going to become illegal, she was there for me;
when I passed a border control agent that didn't know the American loophole, she was there for me;
and now, while I start a new business, she is still there for me. Barbara is the single greatest professional acquaintance I have made in Poland and I can not fully detail my gratitude in the
review. No BS.

Sveta, 08.2022

Dealing with Barbara was a great pleasure. The legalization process was transparent and smooth, with only a tiny bit of our time involved. Barbara did all the hard and tricky paperwork for us, she was very helpful and always available. Always in time for a meeting, always answering emails very quickly. We are completely satisfied with her service and recommend her to all our friends who immigrated to Poland.

Александра, 01.2022

Выражаю свою благодарность Барбаре Новацкой в содействии мне и моему сыну в получении гражданства. Реальная помощь, умение решать трудные задачи в короткие сроки, качественное оформление сопутствующих документов, консультации по любым вопросам, это только краткий перечень. Барбара очень ответственный, отзывчивый, доброжелательный, а главное
профессиональный человек. Спасибо огромное, буду всегда рекомендовать своим друзьям и знакомым.

Dion Carstens, 12.2021

Exceptional service from Barbara. Highly professional and efficient. Barbara made my application for resident card smooth and problem free. I highly recommend her services. I will definitely use her
services again when I renew my card.

Isobel and Mac, 12.2021

Barbara was an exceptional help to us during our relocation to Poland. She understands the legal situation very well here and was really responsive to any requests or issues we encountered during the process. It's rare to find a legal professional offer such good service so you can't go wrong when choosing her and legalstay to represent you.

Hind, 09.2021

Je suis trés satisfaite pour l'assistance de Maître Barbara, elle présente un service trés professionnel et elle m'assiste dans chaque détaille.

Aleksandra, 09.2021

Barbara was taking care of my last 3 residence cards - for me and my family. I can strongly recommend her service as Barbara knows perfectly the whole process of applying and receiving the Residence cards, Work permissions  and can predict all possible requests from  "Urząd Polski"

Olha Semeniuta, 07.2021

I'm very grateful to Barbara for taking good care of the process of receiving a residency card. The only
thing I had to do is just to come to Urzad and everything went smoothly. I highly recommend Barbara
as a professional.

Yury, 05.2021

Bardzo przydatna konsultacja. Dużo dobrze ustrukturowanej informacji.

Radious Nine Sp. z o.o., 08.2019

"Barbara has been nothing short of excellent. She is a true professional, extremely knowledgeable, results-oriented and cost-effective. We couldn't have asked for a better lawyer."

Mykhaylo Turyanytsja, 03.2021

Wszystkie pytania, które zadałem - otrzymałem bardzo szybkie odpowiedzi. Pani Barbara bardzo dobrze planuje wszystkie rzeczy, a komunikacja jest zawsze przyjemnością.

Fawaz Alaqnam, 03.2021

My experience with Pani Barbara's service was great. very professional work, I definitely recommend to everyone.

Jia TONG, 03.2021

很幸运的在朋友推荐下和Barbara Nowacka 律师的尽心指导下 ,完成了一次非常专业和完美的合作,
头疼的身份问题 ,真的非常感谢 Barbara Nowacka 律师,希望你可以用你的非常棒的专业知识帮助到

Fredrik, 02.2021

"Allt var noggrant dokumenterat, gick snabbt att få svar och överträffade våra förväntningar. Vi kommer fortsätta att anlita dina tjänster i framtiden och rekommendera dej till alla våra vänner."

Viktoriia, 02.2021

"Профессионал высшего класса! Все было педантично по документам, быстро по времени, очень деликатно по взаимодействию и результат превзошёл наши ожидания!"

Chahir, 01.2021

"Highly recommended lawyer, very professional work, perfect understanding of the law, fast service and reply and a positive and friendly atmosphere."

Rodzina Kryvopuskov, 10.2020

"Jesteśmy bardzo zadowoleni z usług Pani, a szczególnie z tego że byliśmy bardzo dobrze potraktowani, praca była super zorganizowana i wykonana na profesjonalnym poziomie. Dzięki temu mieliśmy wszystko sprawnie i szybko ogarnięte."

Baris Ebeperi, 09.2020

"Pani Basia was so much helpful and whole about the professionalism. Thank you so much again. I definitely recommend to everyone."

Wei-Chun, 07.2020

"Barbara provides nice and professional service during the process, it really helped me as a foreigner to get things done without worrying."

Piotr, 05.2020

"Sam jestem adwokatem, ale na co dzień nie zajmuje się sprawami cudzoziemców. Okazało, że procedury urzędowe są na tyle zawiłe że wymagana jest współpraca z kimś kto specjalizuje się w tym temacie. Na szczęście udało się znaleźć Panią Barbarę. Skutecznie i szybko pomogła załatwić trudną sprawę. Polecam wszystkim. Także innym prawnikom :)"

Jesse, 04.2020

"My experience with Mrs Barbara was tremendous! I recommend her services 100% to anyone who is finding some difficulties in Poland !! She is reliable , open and efficient about her work. She really has a lot to offer."

Андрій, 02.2020

"Дуже вдячний Пані Барбарі за її професіональну допомогу у вирішенні питань іноземців.
Підтвердженням цього – отримання мною карти побиту, а з часом і польського громадянства!!!
Мінімальне особисте втручання в процес з вашої сторони. Варто скористатися її послугами аби не змарнувати час. Дякую Барбара!"

Mohammad Shahzadi, 02.2020

"Ms.Barbara Nowacka is an excellent person who can assist and covers everything about the case and you dont need to be worried for anything. She is very patient and explains everything in details. I highly recommend her."

Marina, 01.2020

"Очень благодарна Пани Барбаре за выполнение услуг.Получить карту резидента за 4 месяца, это прекрасное подтверждение ее профессионализма. Спасибо Вам огромное"

Gregory Chapman, 12.2019

"I consulted with Barbara regarding a difficult situation which came up during the residence permit process, and thanks to her clear and knowledgeable advice I was able to straighten the problem out without too much trouble. I strongly recommend contacting Barbara rather than trying to do it alone."

Kaja, 12.2019

"Profesjonalna pomoc prawna i ogromne kompetencje! Bardzo dziękuję za rozwianie moich wszelkich wątpliwości i pomoc w rozwiązaniu kłopotów."

Ahmed Aldakhlan, 12.2019

استعنت بمساعدة السيدة باربارا مرتين لاستخراج بطاقة الإقامة البولندية و لمن تخذلني فيهما أبداً. تعامل راقي جداً و ذات كفاءة عالية في اتمام الإجراءات النظامية

Łukasz Dramiński, 11.2019

"Pełen profesjonalizm. Super kontakt, informowanie na każdym etapie załatwianej sprawy a do tego najlepsze doradztwo z jakim się spotkałem. Bardzo polecam współpracę z firmą Legal Stay."

Barbara Goncalves Chwalczewska, 05.2019

"Utilizar os serviços da Legal Stay foi a melhor escolha feita por mim e minha família. A Dra. Barbara além de ser super competente, é atenciosa, dedicada e organizada. Ela sempre nos mantém atualizados, nos responde de forma rápida, tira as nossas dúvidas e é super honesta."

Augustuna Ajemba, 03.2019

"My experience with Pani Babara's service was really open and swift.. from the first-day communication was always fast and updated as soon as she received them. Up to the time I recieved a decision I experienced timely and professional service. I would sincerely recommend working with her for your immigration issues."

NFM Production Sp. z o.o., 01.2019

"Z jakości obsługi firmy Legal Stay jesteśmy w pełni zadowoleni, ponieważ Pani Barbara jest osobą rzetelną i kompetentną, w każdej chwili służy radą i pomocą. Przez cały okres była z nami w ciągłym kontakcie. Rekomendujemy Legal Stay jako solidnego partnera do współpracy."

Yan, 11.2018

Jeszcze raz dziękuję Pani Barbarze za pomoc w naprawdę trudnej dla mnie sprawie. Profesjonalne i sumienne podejście no i duże zaangażowanie w sprawę. Gorąco wszystkim polecam.

Uliana, 10.2018

Instead of googling for hours trying to understand how the system works, you can save your time and go to Barbara, she will help for sure.

Tamas, 9.2018

Я задоволений послугою Барбари по оформленню документів для отримання тимчасового дозволу на проживання. Завдяки їй я зберіг багато часу та вся процедура виявилася доволі комфортною. Вдячний.

Anna, 06.2018

With Legal Stay you always know what's going on with your case, what to expect and where all of that is leading you. Barbara makes you feel safe and this feeling is what we, immigrants, treasure the most.

Александр, 03.2018

Пани Барбара является редчайшим примером сочетания профессионализма и порядочности. Пани Барбара работает таким образом, что я практически не вовлечен в процесс подготовки документов. Работа строится под клиента. Специалист высокой компетенции и порядочности

Kishan, 01.2018

"Extremely professional. I was well informed about legal processes. She is best with her communication."

Julia, 01.2018

"Barbara helped us with the process of getting a residency card. All went really smoothly and successful."

3XR sp. z o.o., 12.2017

"The proces itself has been arranged by Legal Stay. We were in constant contact, informed always about what is going on and on what stage we are. We received all necessary information and none of the questions asked was left without an answer."

CEO Mongird sp. z o.o., 11.2017

"Uwielbiam współpracować z takimi profesjonalistami jak Pani Barbara! Jej wiedza specjalizacja dla mojej firmy i rodziny nie raz okazała się wybawieniem."

Maksym, 11.2017

"У меня был некоторый опыт сотрудничества с разными релокейт компаниями и могу с уверенностью сказать, что Барбара лучшая из всех. Я получил голубую карту меньше чем за шесть месяцев, в то время как другие ждут больше года. Очень быстрая и профессиональная работа, к тому же она просто приятный человек. Рекомендую."

Ibrahim, 06.2017

"I've used legal stay service 4 times in the period between 2013-2017 to apply for the temporary residence permission card , I couldn't be more pleased with the level of professionalism and commitment which were demonstrated and despite all circumstances mrs. Nowacka has always succeeded"

Karina, 04.2017

"Firma Legal Stay zajmowała się tematem legalizacji pobytu moich rodziców na terenie RP. Pani Barbara Nowacka sprawą zajęła się bardzo rzetelnie i profesjonalnie."

Mariia, 03.2017

"Barbara is a great professional, with her help our relocation process was really fast und clear. She always does her best in order to complete the process. Her advises are valuable and professional."

Dennys, 10.2016

"Nada disso teria acontecido se não fosse pela inestimável ajuda da Dr. Barbara Nowacka, que tratou do meu processo de imigração com muita muito empenho e eficiência desde o começo até o fim, quando recebi o meu certificado de cidadania de suas mãos."

PHU DRAGON Dariusz Stępień, 02.2016

Współpraca z Panią Barbarą Nowacką to przede wszystkim profesjonalizm oraz rzetelna obsługa. Wszelkie papierkowe sprawy związane ze złożeniem stosownych wniosków udało nam się załatwić bez ciągłych wizyt w urzędzie.

Mousa, 05.2015

لقد احببت ان اشكر السيدة باربارا نوفاتسكا على مساعدتها لي في استخراج بطاقة الاقامة. لقد واجهت بعض الصعوبات اثناء تقديمي على البطاقة ولكن ليس هنالك مشكلة يصعب حلها على السيدة نوفاتسكا. وأريد أن أشكرها على صبرها وحسن خلقها في التعامل معي. الحمدلله تم استخراج بطاقة الاقامة لي وقريبا سوف اقوم للتقديم على استراج بطاقة الإقامة لزوجتي، طبعا بمساعدة السيدة نوفاتسكا. شكراً جزيلا يا
سيدة نوفاتسكا. موسى ٢٠١٥

Sms Food Industries Poland Sp. z o.o., 04.2015

"Pani Barbara potrafi pokonać trudności wynikające z przepisów polskiego prawa, a poprzez znajomość języków obcych potrafi w sposób prosty i zrozumiały przekazać zawiłość tychże przepisów osobom zainteresowanym współpracą."

Jesús David, 05.2015

"Mi experiencia con Barbara Nowacka ha sido excelente, es una abogada muy profesional y seria con lo que hace."

Maksim, 03.2015

"Я повинен сказати, що Барбара - висококваліфікований професіонал свого діла. Вона допомогла моїй дружині отримати карту проживання. І для нас це було дуже легко, тому що Барбара зробила все особисто."

Baltic Fish Sp.J., 12.2014

"Bardzo konkretna współpraca i dobra komunikacja. Polecam pracodawcom i osobom szukającym pomocy w formalnościach dotyczących pobytu i zatrudnienia Cudzoziemców."

Matthew, 02.2011

"I was suddenly faced with the possibility of halting my work in Poland. Ms. Nowacka experience was apparent as she made clear what was otherwise an overwhelming bureaucratic exercise. I received my positive decision without any unforeseen detours."

Andrew, 09.2010

"Ms Nowacka had an amazing depth of knowledge on the system and how it works and was always bright, cheerful and an absolute pleasure to deal with."

Adriana, 04.2010

"Ms. Nowacka was easy to talk with, honest, and very professional. Being in a foreign country and finding such a great person, really makes you feel that you are not alone!"